Navigation Home About the Report Australia’s Oceans Australia's Marine Bioregions overview The data behind the Time Series Time Series 1. Physical and Chemical environment 1.1 Long-term SST around Australia 1.2. SST variability 1.3. EAC variability 1.4. Variability in ocean currents around Australia 1.5. Trends in nutrient concentrations 1.6. Ocean acidification 2. Biological Productivity 2.1. Chlorophyll a trends 2.2. Net primary production 2.3. Australia’s plankton communities 2.4. Seasons of phytoplankton 2.5. Depth layers and primary production 2.6. Picophytoplankton 2.7. Microbial assemblages 3. Water Quality 3.1. Water clarity around Australia 3.2. Trends in Trichodesmium 3.3. Tripos as bioregion indicators 3.4. Harmful algal blooms and the shellfish industry 3.5. Harmful algal blooms in NSW 3.6. Range expansion of Noctiluca 4. Marine animals 4.1. Response of copepods to east coast warming 4.2. Zooplankton heatwave response 4.3. Zooplankton as estimators of EAC strength 4.4. Ocean acidification and calcifying zooplankton 4.5. Australia’s twilight zone 4.6. Larval fish 4.7. Shark migration 4.8. Elephant seal population trends The State and Trends of Australia's Ocean website is maintained by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)